FlashEdge Pricing

FlashEdge pricing overview

FlashEdge charges are based on actual usage of the service in four areas: Data Transfer Out to the Internet from FlashEdge, HTTP/HTTPS Requests, Invalidation Requests, and Data Transfer Out to Origin associated with a FlashEdge distribution. For every new account, we offer a 14-day trial which is described below.

FlashEdge CDN free-trial

With the FlashEdge free trial, you can get started for free. Per account, all FlashEdge users receive:

  • 14-day trial

  • 500 GB data transfer out from FlashEdge to the Internet.

  • 20,000,000 HTTP and HTTPS Requests free of charge.

  • 1,000 invalidation requests (FlashEdge cache reset/cleaning).

  • 1 GB inbound data transfer (inbound from FlashEdge to your origin).

  • Ability to create three FlashEdge distributions.

We automatically check for your current usage of the FlashEdge free trial and you’ll get notified when you are close to reaching the limits.

FlashEdge CDN list pricing

  • $0.03 per GB for North America/Europe and $0.06 for the rest of the regions (Data Transfer Out from FlashEdge to the internet). Usually provided by the GET, HEAD, and OPTIONS HTTP methods.

  • $0.0065 per 10.000 requests (HTTP and HTTPS).

  • $0.02 per GB for FlashEdge to your origin server (Data Transfer Out to Origin or Inbound Data Transfer). Provided usually by the POST HTTP method.

  • $0.005 per invalidation (cache invalidation request).

We provide special pricing and a free trial to those who utilize more than 100 TB of data transfer from FlashEdge to the Internet. Contact us for an individual free trial.

Detailed description of FlashEdge CDN pricing

  • Data Transfer Out to the Internet: you are charged for the volume of data transferred out from FlashEdge locations, measured in GB. Note that your data transfer usage is totaled separately for specific geographic regions.

  • Data Transfer Out to Origin (inbound data transfer): you will be charged for the volume of data transferred out, measured in GB, from the FlashEdge locations to your origin (both AWS origins and other origin servers).

  • HTTP/HTTPS Requests: you will be charged for the number of HTTP/HTTPS requests made to FlashEdge for your content. For each 60 KB of FlashEdge Data Transfer Out, you will receive one free HTTP or HTTPS GET Request. For additional HTTP or HTTPS GET Requests, the rate is $0.0065 per 10,000 of such requests.

  • Invalidation Requests: you are charged per your invalidation request in the console. You can request up to 1,000 invalidations each month from FlashEdge at no additional charge. Beyond the first 1,000 paths, you will be charged.

Costs connected to FlashEdge CDN usage

When you start using FlashEdge CDN you can get one benefit that many other CDN services can’t bring you. If you use AWS (Amazon Web Services) origins (such as Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, AWS Elastic Load Balancer, and so on), you will not be charged for AWS data transfer out from AWS to FlashEdge. This applies to data transfer from all AWS Regions to all FlashEdge locations. This would normally appear on your AWS for around $0.09 per GB, but with FlashEdge this will be free of charge because FlashEdge is directly connected to AWS regions.

If you are using your on-premises servers or service from a provider other than AWS, you will be charged separately based on the pricing of this service, so this won’t show up in your FlashEdge bill.

FlashEdge billing

Billing information

Your FlashEdge billing information can be found and changed in the FlashEdge billing console.

Analytics of current spending

FlashEdge offers a couple of places in the console where you can check your current spending on every distribution separately or for the sum of the distribution. This information is updated once a day.

Billing period

Shortly after each week, an invoice is generated automatically by Stripe. We will automatically send you an email containing the invoice. You can also download your invoices at any time in the account billing.


Does FlashEdge price include taxes?

Except as otherwise noted, our prices are exclusive of applicable taxes and duties, including VAT and applicable sales tax.

Which payment methods do you support?

We use Stripe as our payment method. This means you can conveniently make payments using a variety of options through Stripe, including credit and debit cards. With Stripe, your payment experience is secure, seamless, and tailored to your needs.

Last updated